Grizzly Day Parade and ESBCH Annual Poker Ride.

Four members of the East Slope Back Country Horsemen ( Ronald Ries, Joe and Helen Suta and Rich Fitzpatrick) took part in the Dupuyer Grizzly Day Parade then joined other members at Swift Dam and participated in their Annual Poker Ride. Members who participated in the Poker Ride were; Clete Gregory, Merlyn Huso, Barr Gustafson, Steve Hutton, Abbey Hutton, Lisa Schmidt, Dick Kinyon, Lucky Kinyon, Zane Drishinski, Charollete Marshall, Gwen Marshall, Ginger Flesch, Ronald Ries, Debbie Ries, Bob Hermance, LeAnn Hermance, Joe Suta, Helen Suta and R. Fred Fitzpatrick.

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