Advocacy is vital to maintain this way of life.

Become involved, make a difference and support BCHMT to assure horse and rider access to public lands.

Forest Travel Plans

Badger-Two Medicine area of the Rocky Mountain Front

White River National Forest Plan

Helena Lewis and Clark National Forest Plan

Gallatin Forest Travel Plan

Whitetail-Pipestone Forest Travel Plan

Legal Information

  • Public Law 106-393 106th Congress
    In October 2000, Congress passed Public Law 106-393 entitled “Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act of 2000” which stabilized federal payments to states for funding schools and roads. The new law commonly referred to as Payments to States replaces and fundamentally changes the way the Forest Service has been returning a portion of its annual receipts to jurisdictions falling within national forest boundaries (“the 25 percent fund”).
  • Montana Equine Law
  • List of our Congressional Delegates
  • John Favro’s presentation on the Recreation Enhancement Act(Fee Demo Program).
  • Read the resolution on Outsourcing adopted by the Back Country Horsemen of America – April 2003.

Volunteer Agreement

Challenge Cost Share Mileage Reimbursement

BCHMT is the foundation of the National Back Country Horsemen of America

Our 18 chapters work diligently to assure our access and passion for back country rides will continue for years to come.  BCHMT Members receive members-only invitations to backcountry events, including poker rides, trail working, and training.  Members also receive current information that affects back country accessibility- news, political updates, and opportunities for speaking out to assure our pastime.   Interested in joining BCHMT?  Find a local chapter.