Gear Up Program

Frequently Asked Questions 

Our mission is to support the next generation of backcountry stock users by eliminating barriers of access and cost for equine backcountry activities by providing useable, safe gear

What are we giving away?

We will give away the following, it will be clean and in good repair:

  • Western riding saddles
  • Pack saddles, either decker or sawbuck
  • Manties, manty ropes and sling ropes
  • Panniers
  • Saddle pads

How do I apply to receive the gear?

You can either write out your answers in the application below or make a video and send to

When will I receive the gear?

BCHMT Youth Program will maintain a list of gear and recipients to be sure the gear fits the recipient i.e. small saddles for small people, large saddles for large people. Goods will be distributed per each individual’s situation as soon as we can. 

Do I have to do anything else?

Yes, you will need to participate in one BCH project with a chapter near you. This might be a trail or trailhead project, help present a youth project or participate in a public meeting where BCH is represented

You will also need to sign a liability release. 

If you have questions please contact