
So . . . you’d like to help out with a project.

Well . . . we’d LOVE to have you!

Projects-that’s what we do!

Our project leaders work with the Forest Service, Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation, Montana Conservation Corps, and National Park Service to select the projects BCHF members will do each season.  Dates are set and sign‑up sheets are available at monthly general meetings, along with contact information for the project leader.  Please feel free to call the leaders if you have any questions about the various projects.

Paperwork-we all love it!

Each BCHF member must sign a Volunteer Service Agreement Group Sign-up Form 301b annually to be covered under the Forest Service’s Workers’ Compensation program in case of injury while participating in a project.    We also ask that you sign a Liability Release indemnifying BCHF in case of injury or loss.  This paperwork will be available at general meetings in the spring and must be completed before we go on projects.  This is an annual requirement – last year’s paperwork is not good for this year!

Training-we all need it!

All volunteer trail workers need to complete a Defensive Horse Safety course offered free by BCHF to our members.  Contact our President, Keni Hopkins at 406-253-4673, for further information.

Each trail volunteer using a chainsaw must complete a chainsaw training course approved by the Forest Service and must have a current First Aid/CPR certification.  When using a crosscut saw, one of the two people on the saw must have completed the crosscut saw training course approved by the Forest Service.  BCHF normally offers saw training each spring; contact Keni Hopkins for information on upcoming classes if you would like to attend.

At least one person on each volunteer project must hold a valid First Aid/CPR card.  BCHF normally offers First Aid/CPR classes early each spring; contact Keni Hopkins for information on upcoming classes if you would like to attend.

 What if I am not trained?

You are welcome to ride along on most work projects with the approval of the project leader (sometimes the size of the group is limited).  However, know that you are not covered under the Forest Service’s Volunteer Agreement, meaning that you are not covered under their insurance.  You will likely be asked to ride in back where you will be away from the saws, tools, etc, and will not be allowed to participate in the trail work.  You can still enjoy the ride and good company of your fellow BCHF members!

Last bit of info . . .

All hay on Forest Service land, even passing through, needs to be certified weed‑seed‑free.  You are covered under the Forest Service’s Workers’ Compensation program while you are doing trail work if you have signed the Volunteer Service Agreement Group Sign-up Form 301b and signed up with the project leader prior to the start of the project.  You are not covered while driving to and from the trailhead, or while out on a pleasure ride.  Your vehicle is not covered; your horse is not covered.

BCH of the Flathead has a policy that no studs are allowed on work projects, and your dog is not allowed out on the trail during BCHF projects.  This is a safety issue as not all horses are accustomed to dogs.  Your dog is welcome in camp on a leash (but not in the kitchen area, please).

So . . . if getting sweaty while making our backcountry more accessible and

safer is your dream come true, please make every effort to become

current and certified on the various requirements described above.

 If you have any questions, please just ask.  It might sound daunting, but working on projects not only helps sustain the historic use of stock in the Wilderness and backcountry, it is also satisfying and fun!  We’ll help get you started any way we can.


Risk Assessments

     Trailer Use

     Stock Use

     Field Work

     Cross Cut Saw Operations


     Tree Hazards

Job Hazard Analyses

Volunteer Firearm Animal Disposal

FS Volunteer Agreement for Project Leaders

Group Volunteer Form

Training Resources Library:

Defensive Horse Safety Course Handbook

 You tube safety videos

          Short videos from packing clinic

         Videos on Defensive Horse Safety