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What do to when you meet a horse on the trail

We’re lucky to live in a place with great access to the outdoors, which means there are many types of people recreating. Do you hike, walk your dog or mountain bike on the trails in and around Missoula? Check out this list of what to do if you meet a horse while your enjoying the outdoors:

Remember to stop, stand back and speak!

* Horses have the right of way, please yield to them.

* If you’re riding a bike, get off your bike and stand still.

* Speak up! Let them know you are there, especially if you are coming from behind. A simple “hello,” or “hey, how’s it going,” is good enough for the horse to recognize a human voice.

* If you’re on a narrow trail, step off on the down side of the trail. Since horses are prey animals, they can associate scary things above them, especially on a hillside, with a predator. If you’re in a group, stay together and pick one side of the trail to step off.

* Keep a wide berth if you’re passing. Horses may kick when they are scared or threatened.

* Stay in view of the horse and rider. Horses don’t like sneaky!

* If you meet a horse and rider on a bridge, please get off the bridge and yield to the rider(s).

Mission Statement



  1. To perpetuate the common sense use and enjoyment of horses in America’s backcountry and wilderness.
  2. To work to ensure that public lands remain open to recreation and stock use.
  3. To assist the various agencies responsible for the maintenance and management of public lands.
  4. To educate, encourage and solicit active participation in the wise and sustained use of the backcountry resource by horsemen and the general public commensurate with our heritage.
  5. To foster and encourage the formation of new state Back Country Horsemen organization