Big Hole Lookout Maintenance Days
August 15 @ 8:00 am - August 17 @ 5:00 pm

Several projects to complete including:
Scrape, sand and paint outside of the east and north shutters. 2 people for one day. White exterior paint, battery operated sander with sandpaper.
Scrape, sand and paint outside west facing gable end. 2 people for one day, battery operated sander, white exterior paint, 17′ collapsible ladder.
Touch up base logs (white exterior paint) all the way around the lookout.
Scrape, sand and paint inside of lookout. 2 people for one day. Green interior paint, battery operated sander with sandpaper.
Resize cut firewood pieces already at the lookout so they can be used in the woodstove inside the lookout. 2 people for one day, chainsaws, fuel, oil, PPE, etc.
Cut green trees near the lookout. Limb, skid and stack the cut green trees near the firewood cache where they can dry out and be cut to stove size in the future. After felling and limbing, buck the tree bole (log) into lengths that can be carried by two folks to the cache site.
Camping at the gravel pit or some may choose to stay at the lookout.
Before After
Touch up painting is never ending due to the harsh environment.