Introduction Video
Special Thanks
Contact Information
Notes On This Presentation

Special Thanks

We would like to provide special recognition to the following people who participated in the development of this course: Ann Baker and Chris Ryan, Northern Region, for submitting the project proposal; Kim Hulla, Northern Region, and Paul Butler, Caribou Targhee NF, for initial development of this project; Abigail Kimball, Washington Office, for her work on the introduction video; Smoke Elser for providing information; and everyone who reviewed and provided comments on this course.

A very special thanks to Bob Hoverson, Lolo NF, for initial development of this project, the information he provided throughout, and for his work on the video segments of this presentation.

Also, a special thanks to Dr. Robert Miller for allowing us to use material from his video Understanding Horses.*

The National Safety and Occupational Health T&D Steering Committee for making this project a high priority.

* For further information on Dr. Miller's natural horsemanship techniques, please see the link to his Web site in the references section of this presentation.

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