Below is a collective group of forms and documents Project Leaders may need and/or should be familiar with.
Some of these forms are duplicated on the Downloadable Forms page.

If Project Leaders have additional questions please contact the Trail Project contact:
Dan Brandborg         
We are all here to support you.

Thank you for accepting a volunteer Project Leader position!

Many of the forms have been created so they can be filled in online,
though they still need printed out to submit.

Click on the form name to link to the form or publication. 


NAVIGATION:  Each form will open in a new tab. To get back to our website, you can (1) close or minimize the form page or (2) click on the Bitter Root BCH tab.

TO PRINT A FORM:  Depending on the browser you’re using (Google, Internet Explorer, Bing, etc), there may or may not be a printer icon showing. Another option is the universal print command, pressing the CTRL button and the letter P at the same time.

BRBCH Project Leader Guide

Project Leaders fill this out at least 2 days prior to work project. This details who will be primary contacts during the project and how communication will take place. Submit form to Mark Smith, USFS.

Tailgate Safety Form

Project Leaders are asked to have volunteers sign this after the safety briefing for each trail project. Submit this form as soon as possible after a trail project has been completed to the Trail Project Chair.

Project Report Form

Project Leaders are asked to submit this form as soon as possible after a trail project has been completed. The form goes to the Trail Project Chair.

Project Sign-In and Mileage Form

All volunteers need to sign this form on the day of the project. Note: The odometer reading is the current reading; no need to estimate mileage. The form goes to the Trail Project Chair.

The following forms are attachments within the Project Leader Binder.
They are also provided here.

Admin Tracking Request Form

Project Leaders fill this out at least 2 days prior to work project. This details who will be primary contacts during the project and how communication will take place. Submit form to Mark Smith, USFS.   **2024 update:  mail to instead of email provided at top of form.

Group Volunteer Sign-In Form – Form 301b

Project Leaders are asked to have volunteers sign this upon arrival on site. Submit this form as soon as possible after a trail project has been completed to the Trail Project Chair.

Work Project Volunteer Form – Form 301a

This form only needs completely annually, and is done by the volunteer. Volunteers use this form to update their information. Officially known as the ‘Volunteer Form for Natural Resource Agencies”. This is needed to work on projects, as noted in our Volunteer Agreement with the USFS. Turn this in to the Trail Project Chair or the Trail Project leader prior to attending a project.

SPOT Check-Out Form-fill in

The SPOT device is a portable unit that can follow a work project’s progress along the trail, notify those at home you’re safe or need some assistance, and should it be needed, notify authorities of an emergency and automatically dispatch a 9-1-1 response. Use this form prior to signing out the SPOT device for any project or ride. Projects have priority. The form goes to Nancy Pollman.

USFS Evacuation Plan

Provided by the USFS, this is a pdf file that can be viewed or downloaded.

USFS Radio User’s Guide

Provided by the USFS, this is a pdf file that can be viewed or downloaded.

Membership Form for New Members and Renewals 

Before participating on any trail project, membership is required. This link takes you to our membership page to answer your questions and get you to the form. Fill out this form and submit to the Membership Chair or Treasurer.

Reimbursement Form

Need reimbursed for an authorized expense? Fill out this form and submit to the Treasurer.