Things to Think About

When planning a day ride or pack trip with horses, it’s important to consider the following:

  1. Trail selection: Choose trails that are suitable for horseback riding, with enough room for the horses to maneuver and clear of obstacles like overhanging branches. Make sure to check for trail conditions and accessibility before heading out.
  2. Maps and navigation: Get a good map of the area you’ll be riding in, and make sure you’re familiar with the trail system. Consider carrying a GPS or a compass to help navigate, as well as a good trail guide.
  3. Stock & Rider preparation: Make sure your horses are in good condition and well-shod for the trail ahead. Pack the necessary gear such as a horn bag, saddle bag, water bottles, snacks, rain slicker or bigger jacket in cooler weather, a saw, first-aid kits for both horses and humans, and any other supplies you might need for the trip.
  4. Safety: Always ride with a partner, and let someone know your plans and expected return time. Be prepared for emergencies and know how to respond in case of an accident or injury.

By considering these factors and planning ahead, you’ll be better equipped for a safe and enjoyable trail ride or pack trip with horses. For pack trips the planning will be more in depth.