Not sure who the person is holding a position noted below?
Look at the Officers, Committees page for up-to-date names and contact info.

Many of the forms have been created so they can be filled in online,
though they still need printed out to submit.

Click on the form name to link to the form or publication. 


NAVIGATION:  Each form will open in a new tab. To get back to our website, you can (1) close or minimize the form page or (2) click on the Bitter Root BCH tab.

TO PRINT A FORM:  Depending on the browser you’re using (Google, Internet Explorer, Bing, etc), there may or may not be a printer icon showing. Another option is the universal print command, pressing the CTRL button and the letter P at the same time. 

Membership Form for New Members and Renewals

Thank you for considering or renewing your membership with the Bitter Root Back Country Horsemen. This link takes you to our membership page to answer your questions and get you to the form. Fill out this form and submit to the Membership Chair or Treasurer.

Reimbursement Form

Need reimbursed for an authorized chapter-related expense? Fill out this form and submit to the Treasurer. (For RTP-related forms, see RTP Form option, below)

Member RTP Reimbursement Form (Recreational Trails Project Grant)

Our chapter is participating in the statewide 2018 RTP grant through BCH Montana, effective 2018-2020. Members who wish reimbursement for mileage, meals, and/or stock use need to fill out this form. One form can be used for multiple projects. This is a link to the Excel form on the State’s website. Submit form to Lionel prior to the State’s deadline for reimbursement — occurs annually, ask Lionel for timing.

Tailgate Safety Form

Project Leaders are asked to have volunteers sign this after the safety briefing for each trail project. Submit this form as soon as possible after a trail project has been completed to the Trail Project Chair.

Trail Project Completion Form

Project Leaders are asked to submit this form as soon as possible after a trail project has been completed. The form goes to the Trail Project Chair.

Work Project Volunteer Form

Use this form to update your information. Officially known as the ‘Volunteer Form for Natural Resource Agencies”. This is needed to work on projects, as noted in our Volunteer Agreement with the USFS. Turn this in to the Trail Project Chair or the Trail Project leader prior to attending a project. This form only needs completely annually.

Equine Emergency Information

Use this form to provide emergency care information for your equine animals should you become incapacitated or unavailable. Download, complete, and create two copies – one for your home tack room, one to be kept in your tow vehicle or horse trailer. Make sure to notify your emergency contacts.

Firearms Carry Information and Application – for use on work projects only

When volunteers work on USFS projects we are treated as USFS employees and, therefore, need to follow USFS guidelines. Firearms may be carried for euthanasia use. Please read this guideline for firearm protocol before considering applying. Then use this form to apply for certification (permission) to carry on USFS work projects. Deadline to apply:  May 31 annually.  Certificate is good for multiple years. Contact Bonnie Morgan to determine where you should send your application — for privacy reasons, do not forward application to Bonnie.

Note: this is only required for work projects; it is not for pleasure riding.

Donation Form

Thank you for considering a donation to the Bitter Root Back Country Horsemen. Donations of various kinds are all welcomed! This form can be used to specify the type of donation, its use (if desired), and as a receipt to our non-profit 501c3 organization.

SPOT Check-Out Form-fill in

The SPOT device is a portable unit that can follow a work project’s progress along the trail, notify those at home you’re safe or need some assistance, and should it be needed, notify authorities of an emergency and automatically dispatch a 9-1-1 response. Use this form prior to signing out the SPOT device for any project or ride. Projects have priority. The form goes to Nancy Pollman.

Local Horse Trails and Camp Areas

This is a document in process. Our chapter has put together some information about what’s available in our area, including location and difficulty as determined by other stock users.

Wilderness Act of 1964

This is a pdf file that can be viewed or downloaded.