The Bitter Root Back Country Horsemen Chapter owns a SPOT Device which is available for each chapter outing, whether it be a work project or pleasure ride (work projects have priority).

The SPOT Satellite Messenger gives a one-way line of communication when and where wanted, and emergency assistance when needed. The SPOT works even where cell phones don’t. It’s a portable unit that can follow a work project’s progress along the trail, notify those at home you’re safe or need some assistance, and should it be needed, notify authorities of an emergency and automatically dispatch a 9-1-1 response.


The portable SPOT device can follow a work project’s progress along the trail, notify those at home you’re safe or need some assistance, and should it be needed, notify authorities of an emergency and automatically dispatch a 9-1-1 response.

Use this form prior to signing out the SPOT device for any project or ride so use and project can be customized. Projects have priority for use of the device. The form goes to Nancy Pollman.

Click here for the SPOT CHECK-OUT FORM


Track the progress on Google Maps in near real-time when the SPOT is being used. The map is activated when the SPOT has been used within the past 7 days. The SPOT Device plots each location on Google Maps based on when the Check-In button is used, as well as further tracking capabilities. By clicking on the following link you can follow the progress of the device within the past 7 days.

This is a great tool for participants to look back and review the area covered in the project. It’s also a great way for family and friends to track near real-time progress during the project itself. Note: the track points will be a minimum of 10 minutes apart.

When looking at the map, you can choose to look at the MAP view or SATELLITE view. Note that satellite view is the last photo Google took of the area, which could be several years old, but it’s still a good tool. So, if you see one trailer in the parking area when you zoom in, that’s not accurate — but the location of your track points are accurate.

Click here to VIEW MAP